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English Rakugo Short Stories
by 鹿鳴家 英楽(Kanariya Eiraku)

70. 長嶋茂雄のエピソード(2)

Another Episode of Shigeo Nagashima (2)

70. 長嶋茂雄のエピソード(2)

Another Episode of Shigeo Nagashima (2)


Shigeo Nagashima was a very popular baseball player in Japan in the 1960s and 70s. 

His nickname was Mister. Mister was known for his carelessness.

Nagashiama: Where is it? Where is it?
Man:       Mister, what are you looking for?
Nagashiama: I can’t find a key to my car.
Man:       Everybody, Mister can’t find a key to his car. Please help him look for it.

A few minutes later

Nagashiama:   Everybody, you don’t have to look for it any more.

                      Come to think of it, I didn’t come here by car today.

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