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Seiganji Temple
Seiganji Temple in Kyoto is called the birthplace of rakugo because Anrakuan Sakuden, (1554-1642), who is known as the father of rakugo, served as chief priest at this temple in the 16th century. Sakuden compiled the first collection of jokes entitled Seishuisho in 1623; thus, he is called the father of rakugo.
An amateur rakugo show named Peachiku Yose has been held every month at this temple since 1949. It has probably the longest history among amateur rakugo shows.
The English Rakugo Association will present an English rakugo show at this temple for the first time on Nov 24. Please come and enjoy our show!
Ikutama Shrine and Kitano Tenmangu Shrine
Three prominent rakugo performers appeared in Edo, Osaka and Kyoto in the latter half of the 17th century. They are Shikano Buzaemon (1649-1699) in Edo, Yonezawa Hikohachi (?-1714) in Osaka and Tsuyuno Gorobei (1643-1703) in Kyoto. They are considered a pioneer of rakugo in each region. The Hikohachi’s monument is in the precincts of Ikutama Shrine in Osaka, where Hikohachi Festival is held in May every year; while in Kitano Tenmangu Shrine in Kyoto, the Gorobei’s monument lies near the entrance, and Momiji Yose is held every fall, Sadly, we have no monument of Buzaemon in Tokyo.
by Kristine Ohkubo
by 鹿鳴家英楽
Eiraku's 100 English Rakugo Scripts Vol. 2
Eiraku's 100 English Rakugo Scripts Vol. 1
Talking about Rakugo 2
Talking about Rakugo 1